Her coming home outfit!
It was stressful to me because there were no answers. They were unsure of what the problems were which makes my mind think crazy, scary things. The anxiety just gets to me and I can't calm down. I didn't know what problems I was looking for and then what to do if I noticed anything unusual. The first night she was home, I had a panic attack because she seemed to be breathing rapidly. I could not fall asleep or take my eyes off her. Then, she woke up with a high-pitched scream and was gagging. Luckily I remembered to use the bulb syringe to suck mucous out of her throat so she could breathe. I was really stressed and anxious so we called the nursery at the hospital. A really sweet and helpful nurse told me what to do and look for. After that I asked Eric to give Sophia and I blessings. It made such a difference and we were all able to sleep after that. What would I do without Eric?! He calmed me down and comforted me.
In the end, all is well. Her pediatrician wanted to see her today to check up on her. It was a great visit and everything looks good. She is 7 lbs. 10 oz, just one ounce shy of her birth weight. Her lungs and heart sound good. The pediatrician said she still doesn't have an answer for what caused Sophia to have problems but I am just grateful that she is healthy!
The boys were so happy to have her home. They have been so sweet, always wanting to hold her. Ty says, "mom, can I 'holdge' her?" They have both been so helpful and sweet. So far they have been getting me diapers, wipes, bottles and wanting to feed her. I never thought they would adore her this much. I hope it stays that way!
So glad she's home now Jay and doing so well! She's a cutie!
awesome! sounds like you have passed through the worst of it and doing well...glad to see everyone is home and doing great! talon...what a funny guy...:)
Love all your new pictures of Sophia
and her big brothers too! I just remembered something funny that
Tyler said today when he was jumping
off the board and swimming to the edge. I said, "can you really do
that?" He said, "Yea, I'm tough!"
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